"bile ade pompuan giler yang marah kat kite cakap
kite nak tarik perhatian bf die sedangkan kite
xpernah sembang or pandang bf die..
say this sure die jadik giler haha..:D
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful,
hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am...:)"
haha..oke..ak tipu..
ak satu tempat keje kot ngn boyfriend dia tuh..
so, of coz la ak akn bcakap ngn boyfriend dia tuh..
kalo x, cmne bisnes nk maju..ye dak..??
tp that girl is kind of stupid..
jealous of me with none of any reasons...
maklum la..bebudak...
malas ak nk melayan angin ko..
lgpon ko bkn kate kt ak kan...
so, ko layan je la angin ko tuh sorg diri..
sekian, wassalam....