HapPy ReAdinG in tHis Boring-LoOking PieCes oF paPeRs

Monday, March 7, 2011

same question..? annoying....

i juz dont understand why people always keep asking me the things that i dont have..
its annoying , u know...

are you still with the same job..?
are you not gonna change ur job..?
are you in love with him..?
he's getting married, dont u feel broken..?
he's now sumone's husband, are u still like him..?

so many kind of question that i. not involve at all..
keep me annoying and bored everytime i heart that question..

why they keep asking me to change my profession..?
i do love my job for now..
i had fun so much..
i had a very good lady boss..
i have nice co-worker..
i can do whatever i want, unless i dont break d rules..
they do teach me very well until this stage...
i dont change my profession until i have to do so...

why did they keep asking me about my feelings..?
i know u're happy with ur live..
i'm jelouse..? sure...i'm jelouse...
i'm incomplete bcoz i dont meet my soulmate yet...
so, what's that ur problem..
not at all aite..
so, please dont mess with me..
until i cant hold it anymore..i will explode...
i do fall in love, but he's not meant to me..
i know, He is keeping me for sumone..
to keep him feel complete with me...

for now, till meet again..
n stop asking me the same question....


yanaSham said...

oshinnnn lame tak jumpe.kan3

~norashi kin~ said...

ye la ynna...
pkai no fon mane skrg neh...
anta msj xdeliver pon...
ak pkai no mxs skrg ni taw...
aina ad no baru ak..:D