HapPy ReAdinG in tHis Boring-LoOking PieCes oF paPeRs

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


petang tadi kt ofis, saje saje la cari plus tengok tengok gmbar pasal graviti..then..byak plak jupe gambar2 yg menarik..

meh kite usha bsame same...
layan subjek sains & fizik sket malam nih..=D


Speaking of which, i was talking to a farmer the other day, and he told me laymans difference to goats and sheep... which i thought was rather interesting.

Goats' tails go up and sheep tails down. I am not sure if he has published his hypothesis but it was amusing to watch the goats wag their tails like dogs as they defied gravity.... as it is just a theory 
~by : Sloathead~

this would be happen when you don't believe in GRAVITY..haha.
so, you better believe it..

Zero Gravity Cup 
is not a magic game but a formula of physics that makes this glass can stand by your side. Unfortunately the position of these cool things you can do when the cups were empty, while if you’ve filled coffee or tea, are likely to spill guaranteed.

gravity is also making fun of you...haha

Merupakan daya tarikan di antara zarah-zarah yg besar yg juga menentukan berat sesuatu objek drp jisimnya.  Setakat ini, hukum graviti yg paling "berjaya" (tepat) ialah teori relativiti am (general relativity) oleh Albert Einstein. Walau bagaimanapun, Hukum Graviti Newton adalah lebih mudah dan cukup tepat untuk kebanyakan perkara, jadi ia lebih popular.
Pada tahun 1687, Isaac Newton menerbitkan Hukum Graviti Newton (Law of Gravitation), iaitu :
"Semua jisim di alam semesta ini menarik antara sama satu lain dan daya yang bertindak adalah berkadar terus dengan hasil darab jisim-jisim itu dan berkadar songsang dengan kuasa dua jarak antara jisim-jisim itu."
 Sumber : Wikipedia
sekian dahulu sedikit ilmu yg hendak dikongsikan pada malam ini..
moge2 bjumpe lg...

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